Department of Horticulture and Crop Science

The Department of Horticulture and Crop Science faculty & staff are committed to providing an excellent educational experience for you. We offer in depth learning experiences, scientific discovery, research opportunities, and respected academics for both undergraduates & graduate students - If you're interested in Controlled Environment AgricultureSustainable AgricultureAgroecology, Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant BiosciencesTurfgrass Science or Professional Golf Management we have the program, cutting edge research & extension teams perfect for you. Come grow with us!


  • a colorful variety of flowers in a greenhouse

    Ready to gain hands-on experience growing commercial quality flowers? Then check out HCS 5320 Floriculture Crop Production where you'll learn advanced methods for commercial production of greenhouse-grown floriculture crops. Take a look into the class...

  • Bruce wearing a red quarter zip standing at a podium accepting the award

    Bruce was recognized with the award at the North Central Weed Science Society annual meeting. After winning he took the time to give us some insight into what a normal day in weed science is like for him...

  • Large group of HCS faculty, staff and students in the San Antonio Spurs basketball arena!

    The 2024 Tri-Societies meeting was an action + knowledge packed adventure for the many HCS students, staff & faculty who attended the meeting this fall! Check out some of our highlights...


Student Spotlight: Grant Wilder
Student Spotlight: Grant Wilder
Student Spotlight: Annika Anderson
Student Spotlight: Annika Anderson