Congratulations to the Agronomic Crops Team on receiving the 2022-2023 CFAES Distinguished Multi-disciplinary Team Extension Award!
The Agronomic Crops Team was formed in 1995 to provide an Extension program that linked all disciplines together to provide an integrated delivery mechanism designed to address corn, soybean, wheat, and forage producer needs in a timely manner. The team is co-lead by: Laura Lindsey (Horticulture and Crop Science), Stephanie Karhoff (Extension), and Amanda Douridas (Extension). The overall team "consists of over 40 core members, including county extension educators, water quality specialists, field specialists, and state specialists".
The team represents six departments within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Science (Extension, Horticulture & Crop Science, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, Plant Pathology, and Entomology). They meet weekly during the growing season and every other week during the winter. To quote Dr. Lindsey "we truly rely on everyone on the team to maintain strong agronomic crop production extension efforts and deliverables."
Dr. Laura Lindsey shared some insight into the Agronomic Crops Team & their efforts:
What motivates the Agronomic Crops Team?
Dr. Lindsey: The Agronomic Crops Team was established almost 30 years ago and has a strong history of linking all disciplines together to provide an integrated delivery mechanism designed to address corn, soybean, wheat, and forage producer needs in a timely manner. The team is highly productive and focuses on meeting stakeholder needs. [The Agronomic Crops Team CV can be read in full here]
What are some current extension efforts y’all are working on?
Dr. Lindsey: The primary mechanism used to disseminate information is our Crop Observation and Recommendation (CORN) newsletter. We publish 41 issues each year, averaging 250 individual articles. Recently, we've expanded our reach through virtual programming and social media accounts. [Keep up with them on twitter @OSU_Agronomy]
What were the teams feelings on winning this award?
Dr. Lindsey: It's an honor to have our team recognized by the College. We appreciate the nomination from Dr. Karcher and support letters from Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio AgriBusiness Association.
Learn more about all the 2023 CFAES Award Winners!