Bruce Ackley Receives NCWSS Distinguished Achievement Award!

Dec. 23, 2024
Bruce wearing a red quarter zip standing at a podium accepting the award

Bruce Ackley was recognized by the North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSSwith the NCWSS Distinguished Achievement in Weed Science, Education Award, at their annual meeting December 9th-12th, 2024 in Kansas City, MO, after being nominated by Tony Dobbels.

The Distinguished Achievement Award is not awarded every year and is only given to recognize members who have made significant contributions to Weed Science Education. Throughout the years several other HCS faculty members (now retired) have won the award including Dr. Loux in 2003 and Dr. Doohan in 2007.

Fortunately, Bruce had time to share a bit about what a normal day in weed science is like for him...

How was the NCWSS annual meeting? 

The meeting was fantastic! I have been going to the annual NCWSS meeting for almost 20 years and have always been very active in the society. It’s an amazing opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students, along with University and Industry Weed Scientists to present their research.

Also, the networking opportunities are tremendous, and the society is small enough you have the opportunity to meet people that can become lifelong friends and collaborators. I love all the professional opportunities the meeting presents along with the personal relationships it nurtures.

Smiling group of HCS faculty, staff and students in an atrium with green plants behind them.

What are your feelings on winning this award?

Gratitude, it’s a tremendous honor and it makes me beam with pride to be recognized by a great group of peers beyond the university.

What got you into weed science?

Walking corn fields in late August when I was a teenager, pulling out shattercane while holding a bicycle flag so my dad could stand on the cab of a truck directing me from one patch to another. When I got to college, I met all the amazing weed scientists at Ohio State, and it was an easy career path moving forward. Dr. Kent Harrison, Dr. Mark Loux, and Anthony Dobbels are my founding pillars. 

Could you give us a brief glimpse into what a normal day is like for you?

The day depends on the semester and the courses I am teaching that semester. Basically, it's make sure I am ready to teach that day which can be reviewing presentations, gathering lab supplies, moving plants from the greenhouse to the class space, or heading out to waterman farm. Answer emails from students daily and everyone else, lots of emails... Office hours with students and fellow faculty way better than emails. Check in with various grad students and student workers on projects and if at all possible, lunch out with one of the many great people from HCS.

Thank you and a big congrats to everyone who took the time to share their knowledge and learn from their peers at the 2024 NCWSS meeting. We can't wait to see y'all next year in Grand Rapids, MI, December 15-18th!