Profile TabsProfileBree MillerAdministrative Assistantmiller.3220@osu.eduOffice: Kottman Hall (202)Professional InformationDegrees & Credentials: MLIS Library and Information Science – Kent State University (2010)BS Journalism – Ohio University (2001)Biography: I help out our students, faculty, and staff in the front office, and I assist with procurement and other departmental needs wherever I can lend a hand. When did you start working for OSU? April 2023 What do you like to do in your free time? I love spending time with my family, reading, visiting all the Metro Parks, and creating art using reclaimed materials and a printing press. I also enjoy recreational curling, and I am a Level I instructor certified by the United States Curling Association. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData