Profile TabsProfileDr. David MackeyProfessor - Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions90% Research | 10% (614) 292-5879Office: Kottman Hall (306C)Columbus CampusProfessional InformationDegrees & Credentials: PhD Cellular & Molecular Biology - University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997) BS Molecular & Cellular Biology - Pennsylvania State University (1991)Interests & Expertise: Molecular plant-microbe interactionsBiography: You can learn a bit more about me by clicking on the questions below: What got you interested in this field? When I began as an undergrad at Penn State, they had just started their Molecular & Cellular Biology Program (MCB) – this new and exciting field caught my eye (I was in the second class to graduate from the program). For my PhD, I focused on cancer virology but once it was time for my postdoc I sought out a more biologically rich system. This ultimately led me to study of the interaction between plants and pathogenetic microbes – which I’ve been fascinated with ever since. Exciting current research In 2025 we will embark on an investigation of how trophic metabolic fluxes support parasitism of maize by a bacterial pathogen. Rough career path that brought you to OSU From when I worked with undergraduate students as a graduate student and later a postdoc, I always took great satisfaction from working with young scientists and helping train them to become independent researchers. Beyond that continuing passion, I’ve stayed in academia throughout my career because I enjoy the independence to pursue questions of interest to me and the overall environment a university provides. Industry international involvement Long standing collaborations with researchers from the RDA in South Korea. Favorite industry conference Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI) What are you most excited about seeing happen in HCS this year The continued momentum in terms of both growth and productivity within the department. What do you do in your free time Love to cook, play hockey, ski, read, listen to music, do yoga, and exercise in general. Additionally, I hold a split appointment here at Ohio State. 75% of my appointment is in HCS and 25% is in the Department of Molecular Genetics. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData