
Name Title Office Contact Information
Ackley, Bruce Lecturer - Weed Science & Agronomy Kottman Hall (223) ackley.19@osu.edu
(614) 292-1393
Altland, James Professor (Affiliate) james.altland@usda.gov
(330) 263-3870
Baik, Byung-Kee Professor (Affiliate) byungkee.baik@usda.gov
Barker, David Professor & Associate Chair for Academic Programs Kottman Hall (226) barker.169@osu.edu
(614) 247-6258
Blakeslee, Joshua Associate Professor - Biochemistry Kottman Hall (248B) blakeslee.19@osu.edu
(614) 247-9345
Carr, Tyler Assistant Professor - Turfgrass Science Kottman Hall (310E) carr.981@osu.edu
Chiavegato, Marília Assistant Professor - Agroecosytems Kottman Hall (310B) chiavegato.1@osu.edu
(614) 292-0109
Cooperstone, Jessica Associate Professor - Phytochemicals & Human Health Howlett Hall (348) cooperstone.1@osu.edu
(614) 292-2843
Danneberger, Karl Professor - Turfgrass Science Howlett Hall (240A) danneberger.1@osu.edu
(614) 292-8491
Deeter, Laura Professor & Chadwick Arboretum Director Howlett Hall (152) deeter.7@osu.edu
(614) 292-3973
Drewry, Darren Assistant Professor - Simulation & Modeling Ag Engineering (232) drewry.19@osu.edu
Essman, Alyssa Assistant Professor - Weed Science Kottman Hall (228) essman.42@osu.edu
(614) 247-5810
Francis, David Professor - Tomato Breeding & Genetics Williams Hall (210) francis.77@osu.edu
Fresnedo Ramirez, Jonathan Associate Professor - Breeding & Genetics Williams Hall (204A) fresnedoramirez.1@osu.edu
(330) 263-3822
Gao, Gary Professor (Affiliate) Howlett Hall (225A) gao.2@osu.edu
(740) 289-2071
Gardner, David Professor - Turfgrass Science Howlett Hall (240B) gardner.254@osu.edu
(614) 292-9002
Gschwend, Andrea Assistant Professor - Genetics Howlett Hall (344) gschwend.2@osu.edu
(614) 292-2014
Jang, JC Professor - Molecular Biology Rightmire Hall (013) jang.40@osu.edu
(614) 292-8496
Jones, Michelle DC Kiplinger Floriculture Endowed Chair & Professor - Floriculture Williams Hall (214A) jones.1968@osu.edu
(330) 263-3885
Karcher, Doug Professor & Department Chair Kottman Hall (202C) karcher.3@osu.edu
(614) 688-0717
Karhoff, Stephanie Assistant Professor (Affiliate) karhoff.41@osu.edu
(567) 376-4019
Kleinhenz, Matt Professor & Extension Specialist - Vegetables Gourley Hall (122) kleinhenz.1@osu.edu
(330) 263-3810
Klooster, Wendy Associate Professor of Professional Practice Howlett Hall (217B) klooster.2@osu.edu
(614) 688-2637
Kroggel, Mark Lecturer - Controlled Environment Agriculture Howlett Hall (233A) kroggel.4@osu.edu
(614) 292-3767
Krupek, Fernanda Assistant Professor - Urban Food Systems Williams Hall (110A) krupek.1@osu.edu
(330) 263-8039
Kubota, Chieri Professor - Controlled Environment Agriculture Howlett Hall (330) kubota.10@osu.edu
(614) 292-3175
Law, Eugene Assistant Professor - Weed Ecology Kottman Hall (222) law.262@osu.edu
(614) 292-5493
Lindsey, Alex Associate Professor – Crop Ecophysiology & Agronomy Kottman Hall (312A) lindsey.227@osu.edu
(614) 292-3864
Lindsey, Laura Professor - Soybean & Small Grains Kottman Hall (230) lindsey.233@osu.edu
(614) 292-9080
Ma, Yu Assistant Professor & Director of the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (103) ma.2578@osu.edu
(614) 292-3512
Mackey, David Professor - Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Kottman Hall (306C) mackey.86@osu.edu
(614) 292-5879
Matcham, Emma Assistant Professor - Integrated Forage Systems Kottman Hall (224) Matcham.3@osu.edu
(614) 247-0032
McHale, Leah Professor - Breeding & Genetics Kottman Hall (312B) mchale.21@osu.edu
(614) 292-9003
Mercer, Kristin Professor - Plant Ecology & Evolution Kottman Hall (310D) mercer.97@osu.edu
(614) 247-6394
Miller, Diane Associate Professor - Tree Fruit Williams Hall (203A) miller.87@osu.edu
(330) 263-3824
Nangle, Edward Associate Professor - Turfgrass Science Halterman Hall (132A) nangle.1@osu.edu
(330) 287-1259
Ortez, Osler Assistant Professor - Corn & Emerging Crops Williams Hall (214) ortez.5@osu.edu
(330) 263-9725
Owen, Garrett Assistant Professor - Sustainable Greenhouse Nursery Systems Howlett Hall (334) owen.367@osu.edu
Owen, James Associate Professor (Affiliate) Williams Hall (215A) Jim.owen@usda.gov
(757) 374-8153
Petrella, Dominic Assistant Professor (Affiliate) Halterman Hall (290A) petrella.21@osu.edu
(330) 263-9722
Sadre, Radin Assistant Professor - Plant Bioengineering & Synthetic Biology Pelotonia Research Center (1105) sadre.2@osu.edu
Samarakoon, Uttara Associate Professor (Affiliate) samarakoon.2@osu.edu
(330) 287-1241
Scheerens, Joe Professor - Vegetable & Fruit Quality Williams Hall (110) scheerens.1@osu.edu
(330) 263-3826
Sessoms, Florence Assistant Professor - Roots, Rhizospheres & Resilience Williams Hall (206) sessoms.5@osu.edu
(330) 263-8038
Signorini, Guilherme Assistant Professor - Value Chain Management Howlett Hall (225) signorini.2@osu.edu
Sneller, Clay Professor - Plant Breeding Williams Hall (213) sneller.5@osu.edu
(330) 263-3944
Stockinger, Eric Associate Professor - Barley Williams Hall (209) stockinger.4@osu.edu
(330) 263-3876
Walsh, Chris Lecturer & Director for Professional Golf Management Howlett Hall (248B) walsh.81@osu.edu
(614) 292-3869
Yadav, Ram Assistant Professor - Specialty Crop Weed Science Gourley Hall (116) yadav.206@osu.edu
(330) 263-8063