I am a researcher and lab manager for the D.C. Kiplinger Floriculture Crop Improvement Laboratory led by Dr. Michelle Jones. As a Research Associate, I conduct research projects that aim to improve the performance of bedding plants, ornamental plants, and cut flower plants. Our projects involved both basic and applied research, both of which I enjoy; and they have a direct link to the Greenhouse Industry here in Ohio and nationwide. In addition to managing the daily activities in the lab, I have the pleasure to train and work with our Graduate Students. It is a joy to watch the students develop their research skills throughout their graduate career.
Over the years at OSU, I have been involved with the following: OARDC Staff Council; OARDC Employee Development Committee; Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, and Green Fair; HCS Department Staff Recognition working group; Wooster Campus Safety Committee; EHS Lab Manager Mentor Program.
When did you start working for OSU?
January 2005
What do you like to do in your free time?
During my commutes to and from work, I listen to news podcasts to keep up with current events and then I escape into a healthy balance of true crime and Disney podcasts. Outside of work, my family keeps me very busy! My husband and I have two amazing sons and an extremely loving dog. You can find me at one of the many sporting events or band concerts for my sons, at an Elvis impersonation band concert or a Jazz Club to watch my husband play guitar, at one of the amazing Summit County Metro Parks either taking a hike with the whole family or conquering a solo trail run, or at an Antique market looking for some unique items to decorate our home!