Profile TabsProfileMeredith LuikartAdministrative 688-5319Office: Kottman Hall (202B)Professional InformationDegrees & Credentials: M.S. Social Work - The Ohio State University 2023M.S. Marketing & Communication - Franklin University 2013B.A. English - The Ohio State University 2010Biography: I am the assistant to the department chair. I manage projects and front office operations. I am the building coorindator for Kottman and Howlett Hall. When did you start working for OSU? April 2013 What do you like to do in your free time? I like reading and creative writing. To stay active, I enjoy yoga, boxing, and walks around the neighborhood. I build mechanical keyboards for fun. I'm a part time therapist outside of my job at Ohio State. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData