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    Have you ever thought about completing a veterinary technology degree in addition to your animal science one?  If so, the joint veterinary technology program between OSU and CSCC might be for you.  All those interested should plan to attend the informatio ...

  2. Saddle and Sirloin's 99th Little International

    Saddle and Sirloin held the 99th Annual Little International on Saturday, April 20 at the Ohio State University Beef Center. The Little International, originally called the Young International was first held in the fall of 1912 in order to help prepare th ...

  3. National Training

    materials.       Workshop will be held at: WVU Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp 160 WVU Jackson Mill  ...

  4. Ohio will withdraw dairy labeling rule

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. O yes! Great job prospects for CFAES grads

    By New Year's Day this year, graduating senior Linsey Howell already had five job offers. Although the 21-year-old double major in agribusiness and applied economics in CFAES won't receive her degree until graduation day May 5, Howell already ha ...

  6. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    Did you know that almost 30 percent of Ohioans are obese? And do you realize that the state of Ohio spends more than $3 billion a year treating the health-related consequences of obesity? The subject of health and consumption of locally produced foods is ...

  7. Straight from the fish's mouth

    In addition to a wide range of college classes,  Stone Lab,  Ohio State's island campus on Lake Erie, is once again offering non-credit workshops this summer and early fall. These one- to three-day workshops allow participants of all ages to catch a ...

  8. Brewing, buying biogas: OARDC campus at Wooster now runs on 30 percent green energy

    Rotten produce. Animal fat. Bad soda. Manure. OARDC's Wooster campus is going to waste. And that's a good thing. The campus is using agricultural and food-processing wastes to meet nearly a third of its 12-megawatt-hour annual electricity needs. ...

  9. Potassium

    will be ingested. This can be done by having a proportion of the water bypass the softener altogether. ...

  10. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Research

    commercial production. Future avenues of research will characterize the biogeography of other ...
