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  1. New Factsheet on Grazing Intensity

    the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System. This factsheet gives ...

  2. Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    12 days before grazing again. In this system, livestock are often moved twice as frequently as its ... multiple permanent fences. The drawback of temporary fences is the additional labor required to move the ... 15 days of forage regrowth. To lower the labor of moving livestock daily, the size of the paddock can ...

  3. Farmers Can Get Seeding In Between Wacky Weather Swings

    I remember a year where the ground was covered in snow for the majority of January.  As we have moved into ...

  4. Raising Meat Chickens

    housing chicks on grass, move the structure to new grass every two to three days. Too much humidity or the ... Happy birds chirp, drink, eat, and move around freely. Broilers can be kept in cages or in cage-free ... facilities. In a cage-free facility, the birds move around freely in either pens or an open floor plan. No ...

  5. Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    the popular education model shown in Figure 1. Moving into the growth zone—where real learning and ...

  6. Join us for 'We Grow Scientists'! A COSI Community Event hosted by CFAES

    inclement weather? In the event of inclement weather, we have a plan in place to move the event completely ...

  7. Farewell Hannah Shively

    and the researchers, scholars, and students at the center. I have moved to the College of Nursing at ...

  8. Enrollment open for new Improving Weather and Climate Understanding in Ohio online course

    move to an online format expands access to the program, one final in-person workshop will be held at ...

  9. Minding the Brand: Marketing and Communications Virtual Office Hours

    As we move into 2025, we’re eager to continue expanding the marketing and communication resources ...

  10. Noble County Calving Clinic

    Contractions begin Restlessness Isolation Est. Time: 2-12 hours Stage two includes: Full dilation Fetus moves ...
