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  1. Winter Weather Preparedness on the Farm

      With the turn of the calendar year coming off a year with a record setting number of tornados in ...

  2. SENR Announcements, January 7

    carbonization and ways to turn manure into energy" | Learn more and register >> January 14: REMINDER ...

  3. Don't Learn Safety by Accident

    which in turn can reduce the frequency of downtime caused by accidents or injuries.  3. Reduces costs. ...

  4. Pick Up Candy Orders and Turn in Cookie Dough Orders


  5. The Conifers of Secrest

    Winter is when we turn our attention from deciduous plants to the beauty of evergreens. Join us as ...

  6. Active Parenting-In Person Classes

    the guidance and support you need to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for ...

  7. Cultural Connections

    25 minutes or a total of 12 minutes each, perhaps taking turns of talking in 3-to-6-minute blocks, ... Pathology 47 on photo, turned in 55 rsvps 46 Feb 16, 2023 Poland Martyna Sokołowska, Nina Kantor-Malujdy and ...

  8. Older Youth Opportunities

    projects, attending meetings, etc.) Timeline:   January: Turn in the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form to the OSU ...

  9. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    it by staying home.  As it turns out, our livestock dislike these cold rainy days just as much as we ...

  10. All Things Livestock!

    that the book be re-done and turned in by a certain date (TBD at a later date) to exhibit at the fair. ...
